my journey



Staff member
Very hard mate and especially with long monkey arms lol I can’t get up high but I feel it massively just try too squeeze back hold a second but that then the superset rope back feels great also didn’t add it in the program but do the assisted pull-up machine when you put your knees on it then pull up did 10 reps on that at the end another brilliant machine I think pull-up are king shouldn’t have neglected them for this long I’ve honestly never really done them ever 😂
Height really must play a part in this movement mate, I always remember when I first started out there was this lad in the old spit and sawdust who was around 5 ft 5 would stand on a milk crate to reach the bar and then throw out about 50 in one go like it was a warm up

I hated him haha

I have seen those assisted ones mate, they double up normally for dips too right?

Could be the way to go


Well-known member
Height really must play a part in this movement mate, I always remember when I first started out there was this lad in the old spit and sawdust who was around 5 ft 5 would stand on a milk crate to reach the bar and then throw out about 50 in one go like it was a warm up

I hated him haha

I have seen those assisted ones mate, they double up normally for dips too right?

Could be the way to go
Haha 50 crazy definitely a height thing plus I bet his back though was huge (lucky bastard)😂.

that’s the one mate it’s brilliant you feel it perfectly I never thought of dips on that I’m doing that one next that will save the shoulders pains a lot I noticed when doing weighted dips aren’t ideal for the shoulders


Well-known member

warm up rotator cuff cable pump chest
flat db press 3x15 50kg
decline db press 3x15 40kg
high Incline db press 5x15 34kg
flat press plates 3x12-8 80-2x120kg drops
superset cable fly seated middle 3x12 18kg
fly cable seated lower 3x12 14kg
fly cable standing 3x12 32-2x27kg
machine press lower 3x20 52kg
machine high press 3x20 52kg
dips machine 4x15

warm up side rest superset rear bent over
rear delt medows seat 4x30 20-3x30kg drops
rear delt db 3x15 14kg
side raise chest on seat 3x20 10kg
high cable 3x15 7.5kg
rear delt machine 3x20 59kg
db front raise 3x12 20kg drops
upright row cable 3x20 22-2x25kg
plated shoulder press 3x15-12 80-2x120kg
side raise 3x15 14kg

standing db easy curl 4x12 30kg
bicep curl on seat 3x12 16kg
preacher curl curl machine 3x15 41kg
hammer curl db 3x15 20kg
^super seated hammer 3x12 14kg
concentration curl db 3x12 20kg

great session felt like I could go forever insane pump feeling really good now


Well-known member
Leg press deep heel to glute 3x15 300kg drops 65 reps total
wide stance leg press 3x20 150kg
feet inward leg press 3x20 150kg
1 leg press 2x20-15 50-100-150kg
leg curl 3x20 66kg
1 leg curl 3x20 25kg
front squat 3x15 80kg
lunges 2 sets 50kg

standing hamstring 4x20 25-39-59-59kg
lying ham 3x15-12 73kg
seated ham 4x15 32-39-45-52kg
db in between legs 3x20 50kg
Stiff db 3x20 32kg
front squat 3x15 80kg
lunges 2 sets 50kg
Glute bridge 3x20 120kg

Abductor 4x15 73-3x86kg
Adductor 4x15 100kg
calves seated lean forward 4x20 50kg
1 leg 4x20 20kg

Unbelievable session feeling like a god only word to describe happy and I could train for hours strength and pump is absolutely ridiculous now I could load weight on front squat 4 but I’m being smart here things have kicked in now will post photos Saturday need too keep carbs bit lower keep letro in getting cramps taurine potassium magnesium calcium vit d b12 high salt plenty water now needed possibly zinc aswell
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Well-known member
Always suffered cramping so doing this protocol it’s a absolute must I cannot take cramps and it’s not just we cramps it’s one’s that last 6-8 hours muscle twitching spasm after every workout like quad and hamstring adductor cramps at the same time lasts 6-8 hours it can also be ck levels being too high will get the blood test at the doctors Monday as bloods are this Monday got mixed up this is a must as once they are past 4000 I cramp last time they where 6000 cramps where bad. And before that 200000 full on rhabdomyolysis

But so far so good they are gone no twitching had a zinc tab here too I took


stop cramps
pre workout
10g taurine
10g salt
1 potassium tablet
1 magnesium tablet
calcium magnesium vitamin d 1 tablet
quinine water

Post workout
5g taurine
10g salt
1 potassium tablet
1 magnesium tablet
calcium magnesium vitamin d 1 tablet
quinine water

Pre bed
zma 2 tablets (zinc) body on cycle depletes zinc could be another reason

Today taurine salt water magnesium saved me took 5mg letro 0.5mg caber too

but doing the above too prevent this now fully and blood test if

neglect using most stuff due to cost but I absolutely can’t skip this or then I can’t train it’s not gear related just my body leaks electrolytes more than a Normal person
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Well-known member

assisted pull-ups machine 4x12
pulldown middle 5x12 85kg
superset cable pullover 5x12 25kg
seated row middle 4x15 85kg
db row 3x20 50kg
pulldown 1 arm 3x12 30-35-40kg
wide grip bb row 3x20 60kg

Plate press 3x12 120-160kg drops
decline bb 3x15-10 60-100 100kg
decline db fly 3x20-12 20-26-30kg
high incline db fly 3x12 20kg
high incline db press 4x-12 26-30-36-40kg
cable crossover 3x15 10kg

plate shrug upright 4x20-15 130-170-2x220kg
plate shrug bent over 3x20-15 170kg

db rear medow style 3x20 12kg 2 sec hold
machine rear delt 3x-15 53kg
rear delt cable bent over 3x15 5kg
side raise machine 3x20 54kg

Great session no more cramping which is good asked big John in the gym about building a wide back wide grip rows absolutely target that and I’ve added pulldown but hitting the middle back pulling here got it from Juan and middle back on seated row Really feel this big time I need wide lats
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Well-known member


lying hamstring curl 4x12 50kg
standing hamstring 3x15 39kg
seated ham curl 3x15 52kg 3-4 sec holds
high leg press 4x30 150kg
stiff 3x20 32kg

db between leg 3x20 50kg
abductor 4x15 100kg
adductor 4x15 79-86-100–100kg

leg curl 4x20 66-73-86-86kg
smith squat 2x15 100-140kg 2 drops 15 reps
db 1 leg squat 2x12 20kg each hand

calves 5x20 50kg

Unbelievable session the pumps are absolutely painful like skin bursting painful everything is pumped shins low back but feel full after a few sets just blow up love it the pain is worth it still pushing carbs and don’t seem too be gaining too much fat just growing


Well-known member
warm up side into rear delt db
rear delt cable 4x15 23-2x27kg
rear delt cable high 4x15 18kg
side raise cable 4x15-12 14-2x18kg
db standing raise 3x12 22kg
rear delt db medows 3x25 20-30-30kg drops
plate press 3x20-15 80-120-120kg-80kg drops 5 sets no rest 8 rep
smith behind 3x20 40kg 15 sec rest
upright row v bar 3x15 45-50-50kg
front raise cable superset^3x15 14kg
machine rear delt 3x20 52kg

Flat plate press 3x15 130kg
high incline db press 3x15 34kg
machine press 3x20 52-66-66kg
decline db press 3x15 34kg
incline db fly 3x15 20kg
fly machine 3x15 73-79-79kg

standing db easy curl 3x15 30kg
bicep curl on seat 3x12 14kg
preacher curl machine 3x15 41kg
hammer curl db inside 3x15 20kg

insane the pump was unreal things really picking up now


I don't know how you do all this volume day after day mate, I couldn't do it, even on steroids. I admire your dedication.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
I don't know how you do all this volume day after day mate, I couldn't do it, even on steroids. I admire your dedication.

I feel physically drained and in need of a snooze everytime I read about his sessions tbh :)
Couldn't imagine actually training like that daily even with a bucket load of gear and stims.


Well-known member
I don't know how you do all this volume day after day mate, I couldn't do it, even on steroids. I admire your dedication.
If I’m honest mate I’ve trained this way since I started even the owner of the gym (dickhead) wanted me to compete I fell I’ll got back into training I’d do long sessions he put a time limit on me 1 hour after 1 hour id need to leave saying I do to much but I just love too train even when tired on 2 hours of sleep my body is just used too it now I’m never sore either which is from the cycle and food as sleeps never been totally great since a kid but I always say do what you love I wouldn’t give this to anyone else and most who train with me never can it’s a lot lol


Well-known member
Week 3 ended into week 4

I did say photos but there hasn’t been anyone in and rushed too get my bus so had to time leaving the gym as you see my training is pretty intense and long

But the photos will come
This week I am now feeling more tiredness when not in the gym body temperature is high all most like dnp constantly hot needing a fan on if at home mild weak hypo feeling all day but blood sugars aren’t low been running slightly higher (food intake)

Hunger is of the charts Im pushing carbs in like crazy and constantly hungry and burning through them doesn’t seem too be causing much issue expect mild ankle swelling possibly due too the salt 20g per day or the super high carbs waiting on it balancing out

Feel pumped full all day now strength is really there but again focus is rep ranges and pump not weight this is the absolute key I need too stick with it progress sure but not reduce reps for weight EVER!!!

i added the igf1 in thnx too spart 3x per week Mon-wed-Friday just provided a even more crazy fullness on top of trest var the look is unmatched

next thing in injectable superdrol 0.5ml with the Trestolone 3 times per week 10mg instantly feel this too only been a week got 3 weeks left of it

so stack leading in for now
inject superdrol

this week now will be where things change max dosage has kicked in week 4-5 is where the true look comes

Sunday was a free day bodyheat is intense
Today was different session lower volume didn’t track but awesome session pump was unbelievable


Well-known member
pullup machine 4x15-12
db row 3x20 50kg
t bar row 3x15 60-100-120kg
meadow row 1arm 3x15-12 60-80-80kg
bb row wide grip 3x15 80-120-120kg
seated row middle 3x15 95-105-105kg
pulldown middle back 3x15 73kg
behind 3x15 73kg
hypers 3x12 70kg

Plate shrug 3x15 120kg
Plate shrug high 3x20 120kg
db shrug 2x30 32kg

reverse curl 3x15 35kg
easy curl 3x15 35kg
cable curl 3x20 23kg

rope pushdown 4x15 41kg
1 arm pushdown reverse 4x12 14kg
1 arm rope 4x15-12 23-27-32-32kg
cable 1 arm skull 4x12 18-23kg
skull cable behind 4x12 32kg
pushdown v bar 3x15 30kg

Great session good pump strength up but still going for reps pump
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Staff member
What kind of pull ups are you doing on the machine Daz?
Wide grip, narrow grip?
Palms facing in or out?


Well-known member
What kind of pull ups are you doing on the machine Daz?
Wide grip, narrow grip?
Palms facing in or out?
Narrow grip mate palms in front
Probably the best thing I’ve done really feel my back improving doing these hits the whole back

One thing I’ve never done wide grip rows that hits the back too and middle back row pulldown


Well-known member

dips 3x10 20kg
decline bb press wide 3x12 100-120-120kg drops
plate press 3x12 140kg drops holds
decline db fly 3x15 24kg
machine press 3x20 66-52-52kg
fly machine 3x12 3 sec negative hold 79kg

warm up side into rear delt db
rear delt db 3x15 20kg
rear delt cable high 4x15 18kg
side raise cable 3x15 14-18-18kg
db seated chest on seat 3x12 12kg
plate press 3x20-15 80kg
upright row v bar 3x15 50kg
front raise cable superset^3x15 18kg
machine rear delt 3x20 52kg

standing bb easy curl 3x12 30-40-45kg
preacher curl 3x15 41kg drops holds
hammer curl db inside 3x15 20kg
superset seated ^12kg 12

great session truly loved this good pump
Got bloods back chocolate 3.7 ck 2500 liver dropped 10 points on one other the same but haven’t gotten worse kidneys are fine. They are chasing up to get my calcium removed this a must


Well-known member
seated ham forward 4x15 66-3x73kg
seated ham back 4x12 52kg
lying hamstring curl 4x12 50kg
standing hamstring 3x20-15 39kg
stiff 3x20 32kg
abductor 4x20 73kg
adductor 4x20 73kg

3x20 60kg
Superset machine 20
1 leg drop 20

Great pump couldn’t do extra as I got a mild internal bleed in quad got it Sunday had lots due to the blood thinner I’m on it’s healing now be gone by tomorrow so did what I could hamstrings fried
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
seated ham forward 4x15 66-3x73kg
seated ham back 4x12 52kg
lying hamstring curl 4x12 50kg
standing hamstring 3x20-15 39kg
stiff 3x20 32kg
abductor 4x20 73kg
adductor 4x20 73kg

3x20 60kg
Superset machine 20
1 leg drop 20

Great pump couldn’t do extra as I got a mild internal bleed in quad got it Sunday had lots due to the blood thinner I’m on it’s healing now be gone by tomorrow so did what I could hamstrings fried

Mild internal bleed? Blood thinner?

WTF mate ?