my journey



Well-known member
So today I’m doing no cardio and refeeding just very low fat rice and potatoes bread im basically fat free just overly depleted and flat like I’ve overdieted skins thin with just a little stubborn fat left but not enough too be this depleted weeks out

So taken today too fuel up on carbs legs are very sore too so just eat rest assess tomorrow everyday I’m changing things depending how I feel look

Monday we start the cycle and I cannot wait so I need too be fully loaded for a full week of intense hard training

My thought process is I want too keep volume high instead of low and these 6 weeks grow into size just getting dryer harder fuller with diet changes and the stack I’m going too be running I should be able too completely change in these coming weeks not need too suffer as bad or overdiet now that I’m all most fat free the cycle will pull any stubbornfat with cardio and high volume sessions food being higher can push the volume it’s a different approach but I’m going too experiment with it for the next few weeks I’m confident i will look the best ever and look good

I watch a lot of Juan morel style he’s a freak but more training more food bigger dryer fuller physique instead of flat stringy weak

I just need too play it day by day week by week now and adjust if needed

But that’s the plan again things could change but that’s my goal

Any feedback is welcome too guys
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Well-known member
You enjoying the rest Darren or missing it lol?
I’m dying too train lol but body needs the rest as Monday got too be ready too push this next phase hard going too try the higher calories route just go for it be plenty time too adjust but can’t be this flat lol
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Increased volume and hitting muscle groups from every angle seems like a smart move but are you staying in a specific rep range for all your lifts now mate? I've touched on the subject of carb manipulation and diuretics with you before but I'm sure you've already got all that planned out.

Is the focus now just on getting pumped each session and dieting/refining or are you still in a growth/gaining/strength phase? The training schedules pre-comp have always confused and interested me as I've heard so much conflcting advice over the years.


Well-known member
Increased volume and hitting muscle groups from every angle seems like a smart move but are you staying in a specific rep range for all your lifts now mate? I've touched on the subject of carb manipulation and diuretics with you before but I'm sure you've already got all that planned out.

Is the focus now just on getting pumped each session and dieting/refining or are you still in a growth/gaining/strength phase? The training schedules pre-comp have always confused and interested me as I've heard so much conflcting advice over the years.
I’m hoping now I can grow into condition like Juan morel style obviously they are genetic gifts but I’ve got most the fat off now skin is like paper everywhere I just look flat small and I now I want too go more volume weight means nothing focus is contraction pump over weight do supersets too so way less weight used but more sets higher reps perfect form and carbs will be 500g or daily or little more just potato rice for carb sources low fat 10g minimum
And with the blast starting Monday I think with the food all just fill out while looking grainy hard full grow into size while keeping the bodyfat the same as my calorie deficit has been very extreme I was losing 5 pounds a week on 300g carbs just cardio then did the other thing old stock of dnp I got years ago

but this why I think I can grow into new size

Goal would be 20 pounds of added weight gain purely from diet while letting the cycle give me fullness but keep me super dry hard the food increasing muscle glycogen that’s been depleted


Well-known member

warm up rope and pull-ups
db row 3x15 50kg
superset t bar row 3x15 60-2x80kg
seated row middle 3x12 85kg
seated row low 3x12 85kg
pulldown front 3x12 55kg
superset ^behind 3x10 55kg
1 arm high row 3x12 25kg
deadlift to shin 2x10 140kg
hypers 3x20 20kg

Plate shrug 3x15 130kg
Plate shrug high 3x15 130kg
db shrug 50kg 3x30 30kg

reverse curl 3x15 30kg
easy curl 3x15 30kg
cable curl 3x12 64kg

Saturday Sunday forced carbs up to 2000g was tough but needed the feed and rest now started diet today carbs will be sitting at 600-700 going too add pufa fats flaxseed one tablespoon as the study show more muscle not fat gain so fats will be around 20g or so

now day 1 on cycle pinned swallowed pre workout and during the session felt good energy and was sweating lots also got a good pump can’t wait too see how things progress within 3 weeks time from now


Well-known member

warm up rotator cuff cable pump chest
flat db press 3x12 40kg
decline db press 3x12 34kg
slight incline db press 3x15 26kg
flat press plates 3x10 80-100kg
superset cable fly seated middle 3x12 18kg
fly cable seated lower 3x12 18kg

fly cable standing 3x12 18kg
machine press lower 3x10 52kg
machine high press 3x12 52kg

warm up side rest superset rear bent over
rear delt bent over db 4x20 20kg
rear delt db chest 4x12 14kg
side raise db seated 3x10 16kg
db side shoulder on seat 3x12 12kg
front cable one arm 3x12 5kg

superset upright row cable 3x12 17.5kg
rear delt machine chest on seat 3x12 45kg
plated shoulder press 3x10 80kg

standing db easy curl 3x12 30kg
concentration db curl 3x12 20kg
hammer curl db 3x12 20-30-30kg
preacher curl 1x40 20kg

Unbelievable session sweating really hard feeling so much focus energy and I’m all ready seeing fullness and getting some crazy pumps definitely not placebo my traps where flat now they are filling out and today doing side raises they got so pumped absolutely loving this and it’s only the start


Well-known member

Leg press 3x15 200kg
smith squatset 3x10 100kg
wide stance leg press 2x15 200kg
feet inward leg press 3x20 100kg
1 leg press 2x15 50kg
1 leg 3x15 66kg
1 leg curl 18kg 20
lunges 2 sets 40kg

standing hamstring 3x20 25-32-32kg
seated ham 3x12 45kg
Stiff db 3x20 30kg

plate in between legs 3x15 20kg
Glute bridge 3x20 80kg

Abductor 3x15 73kg
Adductor 4x12 73kg

calves seated lean foward 4x20 50kg
1 leg 3x20 20kg

That was absolutely brutal legs shaking weight pause on squat after deep leg press touching bum unbelievable session feeling so much fuller next few weeks Is going too be insane can’t wait too post

Feeling the aggression dryness and fullness coming extremely happy


Well-known member

chest tricep bicep forearm
weighted dips 3x12 10-15-15kg
decline bb 4x12 100kg
decline db fly 4x12 20kg
high incline smith wide grip 4x15 40-60
db incline 3x1226kg
flat plate press 3x12 40kg
cable crossover 3x20 14kg

rope pushdown 4x12 15kg
superset reverse 4x12 15kg
1 arm rope 4x12 7.5-10kg
reverse 4x12 7.5kg
skull cable behind 4x12-10 20-17kg
kickback cable 4x12 5kg
pushdown v bar 4x15 20-22-22-22kg

standing bicep curl 4x15 12kg
close grip easy bar 3x12 20kg
db curl arm on seat 3x12 12kg
hammer 3x15 20kg
superset seated db hammer 12kg 10
preacher easybar 3x15 30kg

db shrug 3x20 40kg

cable curl 3x15 73kg
dumbbell reverse curl 3x15 30kg
reverse forearm curl 3x15 30kg

Great session and pump shoulders blowing up everything is filling out I finally don’t look like a junkie lol and looking back more like I lift loving it so far


Well-known member

pull-ups 4x8
superset cable pullover 4x12 32kg
standing bentoverbum out db row 4x15 2x40-2x44kg
seated row middle 4x15 66kg
pulldown 1 arm 3x12-10 20-30-30kg
bb row 3x15 60-100-100kg
pulldown front with handles 3x12 40kg
cable row seated 4x12 35-45-45kg

lying hamstring curl 3x15 50kg drops
seated ham curl 3x12 52-73-73kg drops
standing hamstring 4x12 18kg
high leg press 5x15 200kg
stiff 3x30 20kg
db between leg 3x15-20 30-40-50kg
abductor 4x12 73kg
adductor 4x12 73-86-86-86kg

Glute bridge 4x20 100kg
calves 4x20 50kg

Great session filling out unbelievably legs hamstrings felt very pumped and back feeling so good now loving this recovery is good no joint issues not chasing weight just volume


Well-known member

warm up side into rear delt db
rear delt cable 4x15 14-18-18-18kg
rear delt cable high 4x12 18kg
side raise cable 4x20 9-3x14kg
db standing raise 3x12 20-2x22kg
plate press 3x15 80kg
smith behind 3x12 80kg not today

smith front arms close 3x10 80-2x60kg
upright row v bar 3x15 17.5-25-25
front raise cable superset^3x12 7.5kg
machine rear delt 4x20-15 53-3x73kg

machine press 4x20-15-12-20
plate press 1arm 3x12 40-50-50kg
incline db fly 4x20 20kg
high incline smith 3x15 60kg
decline db 3x15 30kg
cable Crossover fly 4x15 10kg
dips 3x12

pushdown rope 4x15 20kg
1arm rope 4x15 12.5kg
cable behind head 3x10 5kg
skull crusher rope 3x12 20kg
close grip pushdown 3x12 20kg

Amazing session and pump now people are saying I look big only 6 days lol unbelievable how much fuller filled out I am and hard will fully update with week 1 tomorrow but over the moon so far
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
now people are saying I look big only 6 days lol unbelievable how much fuller filled out I am

Is this because of your dietary changes? We both know the training means jack shit :)

How's that Dunning working for you so far? What are you using?


Well-known member
Week 1 of cycle
Training done rest tomorrow
cardio will go back in at week 3

what can I not say since starting Monday within 5 days I’ve literally blown up traps shoulders much wider from being flat stringy face is much fuller too which is a plus not so skinny veins VEINS full blown vascular looking and the pump is just crazy especially traps everthing is pumping up here lats still feel kind of flat but every other muscle gets extreme pump next few weeks I think my back is next too fill right out

weight haven’t checked but I will at week 3 of cycle

But so far absolutely loving it
gym performance 10
aggression in the gym 10
mood 10 big one here feeling happy
fullness 10 rounded delts traps
dryness 8 so far it’s tough for me too truly dial this in next coming weeks I should get dryer with time on being longer and body adjusting

Diet there has been changes like stated carbohydrates are much higher for now and it’s all just going too the right places due too this stack filling out all muscle areas yet keeping me dryer tighter and growing into size

Next few weeks at this rate will be very interesting

Some thoughts I’d love too experiment with 350 couldn’t imagine this but so far so dam happy

Side effects so far none no acne zero pip smooth like you’ve never injected no digestion issues but using apple cider v lemon baking soda l glutamine morning night don’t feel toxic one bit urine is clear mild upon waken 7litre of water per day but normal not dark

no gyno scare no angry feeling when outside of the gym feel chilled and just got this feeling of happiness only way too explain Everyday ready too go energy is high and I can train what feels like forever which is a plus as I love high volume and won’t ever change as the training is the fun part for me also

My sleeps never been great so nothing has changed here expect I do feel rested and recovery is 10/10 so far
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Well-known member
What stack you running pal ? 🤔
Few pages back mate but

Trestolone 150mg per week
mast p 500mg mast p per week
winni 100mg per day
proviron 150mg per day
var 50mg per day
halo 30mg per day
letro 2.5mg e2d to everyday

cycle but I think I need too lower the halo 10mg for now as it’s dam strong crazy aggression training but don’t want too rip my tendons yet lol and fill out right now