Your choice of cardio?



Staff member
Yeah I know many in our sport hate that word but then again some actually love it too.

What is your choice of cardio and why?

I will be looking at low impact very soon and that could probably be walking up and down the swimming pool or slow bike machine.

Few years back, I loved long trail bike rides, rowing machine and boxing circuits.

Just curious to see what you fellas do and why.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Cycling is the king of cardio for me because it involves actually be outside in the world dealing with different elevations and gear changes and pedal speed and bracing the elements and weather. It stimulates you mentally as well as physically and combines HIIT with SS when you're not even expecting it and It forces you to work hard to stay on the bike. It's too easy to slack off on stationary machines. You need to plan a few local routes though that will challenge you on road and off road. Hill climbs are the true test of stamina !

I've got a 90 day challenge upcoming soon for a change of pace and change use of muscle groups that will be a 30 minute timed circuit every morning (fasted):

100 Burpees.
100 Squat Thrusts.
100 Walking Lunges.
100 Star Jumps.

As it's a circuit, this means I'll do burpees to failure then rest just long enough to catch my breath, then same with thrusts, then same with walking lunges, and same with jumps. Repeat as many times as needed to hit the total reps. Realistically it will be about 4 sets/4 circuits of each for me.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Going out walking I’d do that too during recovery

The best low-impact rehab exercise for K4 (IMO) is probably swinming and I agree walking short distance at a moderate pace is good for his general health if he's not getting pain post-surgery.......but K4 is having hip/joint surgery so I think he would be better geting physio advice.

I had major knee surgery a few years ago after serious ACL and meniscus trauma and it took me over a year to recover so from experience I would say he should forget about muscles for now and just focus on R&R to avoid the same mistakes I made.


Well-known member
The best low-impact rehab exercise for K4 (IMO) is probably swinming and I agree walking short distance at a moderate pace is good for his general health if he's not getting pain post-surgery.......but K4 is having hip/joint surgery so I think he would be better geting physio advice.

I had major knee surgery a few years ago after serious ACL and meniscus trauma and it took me over a year to recover so from experience I would say he should forget about muscles for now and just focus on R&R to avoid the same mistakes I made.
Agreed had hip both knees both shoulders elbow bicep tendon middle back issues both wrists had it all


Well-known member
Elbows easy bar 3 plates and 10kg each side would have to lie on my bed after training with two ice packs on both elbows also used barbel 3 plates ruined elbows and grew zero triceps.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Agreed had hip both knees both shoulders elbow bicep tendon middle back issues both wrists had it all

I tried to jump straight back into very light leg training on the elyptical and leg press and totally made things worse mate.
My mind was willing...but the body was fucked and not ready.


Well-known member
I can’t stress enough go slow 2-3 second on negative positive yes you’ll use less weight over speed reps but you’ll not get joint pain again


Well-known member
I tried to jump straight back into very light leg training on the elyptical and leg press and totally made things worse mate.
My mind was willing...but the body was fucked and not ready.
Go slow mate forget weight I don’t give crap about weight all lift what I can but form always now changed it big time the niggles will always be there but can train around it
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Go slow mate forget weight I don’t give crap about weight all lift what I can but form always now changed it big time the niggles will always be there but can train around it

Bang on! Dead right!
It's a long and hard learning curve though isn't it mate when you're younger and think you're invincible on steroids lol :)

19+ stone in my prime and still running stupid doses of gear to try and be a bigger monster.
14-15 stone now, very fit, strong enough, and healthy (ish) :)


Well-known member
Bang on! Dead right!
It's a long and hard learning curve though isn't it mate when you're younger and think you're invincible on steroids lol :)

19+ stone in my prime and still running stupid doses of gear to try and be a bigger monster.
14-15 stone now, very fit, strong enough, and healthy (ish) :)
My goal is to be a monster now just train smarter zero interest in fitness need more monsters on the board to be honest bodybuilders.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
My goal is to be a monster now just train smarter zero interest in fitness need more monsters on the board to be honest bodybuilders.

I can respect guys like you mate because you're in the belly of bodybuilding and it needs guys like you to survive the sport.....but you're obviously much younger than I thought you were aren't you ;)

This site needs more mass monsters does it? Good luck with chasing that when forums are dead these days mate and hardly anyone is interested in "mass"..


Well-known member
I can respect guys like you mate because you're in the belly of bodybuilding and it needs guys like you to survive the sport.....but you're obviously much younger than I thought you were aren't you ;)

This site needs more mass monsters does it? Good luck with chasing that when forums are dead these days mate and hardly anyone is interested in "mass"..
You are right it’s not healthy either you know it sucks we spend so much time on it for it to just disappear so fast lol


Well-known member
I can respect guys like you mate because you're in the belly of bodybuilding and it needs guys like you to survive the sport.....but you're obviously much younger than I thought you were aren't you ;)

This site needs more mass monsters does it? Good luck with chasing that when forums are dead these days mate and hardly anyone is interested in "mass"..
But I want your views to 19 stone is a monster even if you aren’t into it now still love too hear what you did back then there’s plenty on the forum who’ve been freaks are still freaks love hearing what was done diet training etc
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
But I want your views to 19 stone is a monster even if you aren’t into it now still love too hear what you did back then there’s plenty on the forum who’ve been freaks are still freaks love hearing what was done diet training etc

That's a long story considering I started at 11 stone lol

Being simplistic, it was just food, more food, and then even more food, with consistent heavy training and increasing (stupid) steroid doses/stacks.

My best friends were test, deca, dbol, drol, GH. :)
Jayne Scott

Jayne Scott

Yeah I know many in our sport hate that word but then again some actually love it too.

What is your choice of cardio and why?

I will be looking at low impact very soon and that could probably be walking up and down the swimming pool or slow bike machine.

Few years back, I loved long trail bike rides, rowing machine and boxing circuits.

Just curious to see what you fellas do and why.
My preferred cardio workouts
- Jump Rope,
- Ice skaters,
- Crunches,
- DB reverse Lunge to High Knee,
- Squat Jumps,
- Bicycle Crunch,
- Jumping Lunges
- Burpees,
- Fast feet and jump,
- Walkouts and stand.

Each for 30 secs with rest in 15 sec in between. I prefer these because they are HIIT full body cardio workouts.


Not big on outside cardio to be honest bud... it's always pissing down and theres massive hills everywhere you look round my way.
All my cardio is in the gym
Spin class is ace dependent on the instructor.. some are shit. The les mills classes are ace.
Gym based Hit classes too. Surprisingly simple moves.. that fuck you up quite always some 8st bird making it look easy and your huffing and puffing away like an old dog... love em. You dont need to think about anything in either class.. just turn up and do as your told.. job done. Good music and someone else to have a friendly compete with.. leave a sweaty mess.