Van Gaal has Prostate Cancer

Jayne Scott

Jayne Scott

Just glanced through BBC sport and stumbled on Van Gaal's sad announcement that he has prostate cancer. So it got me thinking, cause my favorite uncle Charles and a cousin died of prostate cancer - what do you guys think about this horrible disease and is there any link between prostate cancer and steroid use? I'm just curious and concerned for all guys.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
It's a very common disease for a lot of men with a 1:10 ratio but we (i.e men) are very stubborn and most of us won't go for regular health check ups or a prostate exam as it's too invasive and embarrasing. Steroids most definitely will amplify/speed up the disease but when you're obsessed with the aesthetics of muscle.... "cancer" isn't something that most men will even think about or take seriously.

My father died of cancer btw so I'm already at increased hereditary risk but death comes to us all eventually in so many different ways so I just live my life without fear and I'll accept death when it's my time to die. I hope I die quick and painless though and not slowly by cancer.

A fatal heart attack during sex would be ideal :)
Jayne Scott

Jayne Scott

It's a very common disease for a lot of men with a 1:10 ratio but we (i.e men) are very stubborn and most of us won't go for regular health check ups or a prostate exam as it's too invasive and embarrasing. Steroids most definitely will amplify/speed up the disease but when you're obsessed with the aesthetics of muscle.... "cancer" isn't something that most men will even think about or take seriously.

My father died of cancer btw so I'm already at increased hereditary risk but death comes to us all eventually in so many different ways so I just live my life without fear and I'll accept death when it's my time to die. I hope I die quick and painless though and not slowly by cancer.

A fatal heart attack during sex would be ideal :)
Sorry about your dad and you're spot on about the general attitude of people to their overall health. Lol...I guess a massive heart attack during sex is one way to


Well-known member
Like fitness said I feel if we worry about dying or cancer or anything else it’s not really ideal genetics play the biggest factor in longevity and health as we see very sad young kids not having a life with cancer it’s just when it’s are time it’s are time I can say though I’ve escaped death 3 times so I think it’s good too say I’m not ready too go just yet


Might sound cold but although it's never nice to see people become ill or die, it is just part of life. I've been surrounded by so much early death and loss that I've become numb to it.
Truthfully my own condition means I'm unlikely to make it through my 40s.
To be honest anything you do in terms of steroid use, smoking etc.. carries risks, hell you can even die from just from excessively drinking water, but you accept those risks when you do it 🤷‍♂️
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Lol...I guess a massive heart attack during sex is one way to

This might sound dark and morbid but I honestly believe that all adults over 21 should have the right to euthanasia as their own freedom of choice. If you're in physical pain or just totally fed up with living the life you've got and struggling every day I think being put to sleep painlessly under medical supervision would be the best way to die IMO.

People are literally forced to stay alive these days and cope with miserable lives and I think it's inhumane to say the least. I always had the mindset that I wanted to live a fast and fulfilling life and die before I reached old age but I'm early 50s now and have never had any physical health issue or needed to see a doc in 30 years.

Fuck knows how I've survived this long though. I smoked 20 a day from age 13-19 and then hammered reccy party drugs from 21-24. I then started using steroids and I've drifted in and out of having issues with alcohol for 20 years too so I don't think I'll survive too much longer tbh. If I could be put to sleep painlessly and never wake up again I'd take that option right now before I get any older and health issues start kicking in.

Sorry if that depresses some of you lol
Jayne Scott

Jayne Scott

This might sound dark and morbid but I honestly believe that all adults over 21 should have the right to euthanasia as their own freedom of choice. If you're in physical pain or just totally fed up with living the life you've got and struggling every day I think being put to sleep painlessly under medical supervision would be the best way to die IMO.

People are literally forced to stay alive these days and cope with miserable lives and I think it's inhumane to say the least. I always had the mindset that I wanted to live a fast and fulfilling life and die before I reached old age but I'm early 50s now and have never had any physical health issue or needed to see a doc in 30 years.

Fuck knows how I've survived this long though. I smoked 20 a day from age 13-19 and then hammered reccy party drugs from 21-24. I then started using steroids and I've drifted in and out of having issues with alcohol for 20 years too so I don't think I'll survive too much longer tbh. If I could be put to sleep painlessly and never wake up again I'd take that option right now before I get any older and health issues start kicking in.

Sorry if that depresses some of you lol
Not at all...I've always wondered how guys like Ric Flair are still alive while "goodie twoshoes" guys are long gone. If you read Ric Flair's life story, he should've died from AIDS or ODed back in the 80s. But alas, he's still here, alive and relatively well. Maybe it's genetics. Where some people are predisposed to the fast life, hard partying, drugs, sex - than others. Maybe if someone else tried what he did, they would'nt have lasted too long. So I fully understand what you're saying, makes sense.
Jayne Scott

Jayne Scott

Might sound cold but although it's never nice to see people become ill or die, it is just part of life. I've been surrounded by so much early death and loss that I've become numb to it.
Truthfully my own condition means I'm unlikely to make it through my 40s.
To be honest anything you do in terms of steroid use, smoking etc.. carries risks, hell you can even die from just from excessively drinking water, but you accept those risks when you do it 🤷‍♂️
Sad to hear that you have experienced a lot of death and that truly has to make you somewhat hardened to terrible news.I'm also sorry to hear that you have a "condition". Hopefully you live happily through your 40s, as life is just too precious. And yeah, even walking down the road is a risk. Hell, we risk our lives the moment we're born.
Jayne Scott

Jayne Scott

Like fitness said I feel if we worry about dying or cancer or anything else it’s not really ideal genetics play the biggest factor in longevity and health as we see very sad young kids not having a life with cancer it’s just when it’s are time it’s are time I can say though I’ve escaped death 3 times so I think it’s good too say I’m not ready too go just yet
I'm happy you're not ready to go just yet...what'll this forum be without you?! Lol...yeah, genetics seems key TBH, I just remembered Ric Flair's life story and thought, boy the Nature Boy took a whole lot of risks. I think he mentioned he slept with thousands of girls in his lifetime (mostly without condoms)...I just thought that some dudes are just built rugged, nothing fazes them, it's almost as if they're permantly on gear 5.


This might sound dark and morbid but I honestly believe that all adults over 21 should have the right to euthanasia as their own freedom of choice. If you're in physical pain or just totally fed up with living the life you've got and struggling every day I think being put to sleep painlessly under medical supervision would be the best way to die IMO.

People are literally forced to stay alive these days and cope with miserable lives and I think it's inhumane to say the least. I always had the mindset that I wanted to live a fast and fulfilling life and die before I reached old age but I'm early 50s now and have never had any physical health issue or needed to see a doc in 30 years.

Fuck knows how I've survived this long though. I smoked 20 a day from age 13-19 and then hammered reccy party drugs from 21-24. I then started using steroids and I've drifted in and out of having issues with alcohol for 20 years too so I don't think I'll survive too much longer tbh. If I could be put to sleep painlessly and never wake up again I'd take that option right now before I get any older and health issues start kicking in.

Sorry if that depresses some of you lol
mate i just have to agree with you on all counts youve mentioned

i too am in my early fifties and have had a hell of a time since my late 30's

i find that when terrible things happen to you personally it definitely changes your whole perspective on mortality and lifestyle choices

for example i am often descriped as cold and ruthless in certain aspects but this is only because i have faced my mortality head on and accepted death as inevitable and when i'm very bad a welcome relief

please don't mistake this view as bravado or flash talking to impress.....these are all rational thoughts and views taken purely from experience and this conversation could not be taken with anyone who hasn't had trauma or extreme medical issues physically or mentally

i cannot even breach any subject of mortality with close friends or family because they gladly havn't had to face what i have so how can they possible understand or i dont bother

i find sometimes it is a welcome relief to basically be free enough to not give a fuck about risk taking or being in the position to speak my mind within reason about difficult subjects cos i am fully aware that ive pushed my luck too far for too long and in the big scheme of things i'm fucked so lets just crack on

by the way group therapy folks to deffo the way to centre yourself if your in a bad place....don;t knock it...done me proud ...and last but not least...TALKING is so anyone,everyone or even yourself.....if your in a bad place just reach out...this place is a good srart..i think youll be suprised how many members on here have gone through terrible trauma and are still kicking and screaming...your never alone on here folks


Well-known member
I'm happy you're not ready to go just yet...what'll this forum be without you?! Lol...yeah, genetics seems key TBH, I just remembered Ric Flair's life story and thought, boy the Nature Boy took a whole lot of risks. I think he mentioned he slept with thousands of girls in his lifetime (mostly without condoms)...I just thought that some dudes are just built rugged, nothing fazes them, it's almost as if they're permantly on gear 5.
He sounds like every single guys dream lol. But to be honest I do prefer being with one girl a pleasing them not really been one too go about having one night stands having a connection both enjoying each other makes it so much more


Active member
Life is like a football and you got to kick it 😊
The harder you kick it the sooner it goes flat ?
I’ve kicked it a lot ha
Jayne Scott

Jayne Scott

Life is like a football and you got to kick it 😊
The harder you kick it the sooner it goes flat ?
I’ve kicked it a lot ha
Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get (courtesy Forrest Gump)