ukraine? putin's a nutter or have nato gone too far?



well we are...biggest punchup in europe since the balkans erupted in the 90' my question putin batshit crazy and just loves a row or have we took the piss...wound him up something awful and he's just protecting whats his?

Personally i'm swerving the media cos they are so full of shit its a fucking joke... defence sec saying last night we could take russia any time we like cos we battered them in the crimea in the 1800's....sorry but what a wanker...some other tory saying we should deply the raf to porvide air cover....again...what a cunt.....i mean..really.

war is doubt but i have to say i actually feel a tiny bit sorry for the russians in this one...bear with me...if you take a sec and look at a map...its their doubt..if you then look at the countries surrounding western russia they are all NATO...all of them....i mean they even plonked a german panzer division in one of the baltic states a few years back to make a you gotta admit thats a cuntish thing to do...of all the nato troops they could have sent...the dutch..italians...spanish even fucking luxemborg lol but no...german..and a fucking panzer formation at that....bit naughty to say the least...the russians have a very very long memory and quiet rightly so after what the nazis's got up to

your thoughts chaps


Staff member
In 2014 we, the west installed a government in Ukraine that turned its attentions towards Europe and away from Russia. Talks were held for Ukraine to join NATO, a topic that infuriated Russia because of an agreement made in 1991 that NATO would not expand eastwards. But now look at the states in NATO. We’ve expanded to the Russian borders, and now Putin is making a show of force to distract from the fact his economy is in tatters and he needs “a win”… the win comes at the expense of the “the bread basket” of Europe. A country that just happens to be able to feed 600 million with its resources. Not to mention Uranium, Titanium, Iron, Mercury and Natural Gas… (and natural gas infrastructure). Ukraine is ranked 4th in the world globally for natural riches… he’s wants Ukraine. For obvious reasons...

We could have stopped this back in late 2014 when he annexed Crimea and funded and armed a separatist movement in the Donbas. A proxy war, because remember the west and UN has been doing the same in the counties west… But given the sheer amount of Russian money in the global pool (London itself has over £2bn flowing through it and the likes of Abramovic, being a personal and close friend of Putin, we decided that diplomacy was the only way forward… because the alternative meant full scale war… and Putin knew all along we don't have the stomach for that.

and imo Putin is a seriously dangerous nutter - madder than Mad Jack McMad, winner of last years Madman competition! ;)
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
I started digging a nuclear bunker/fallout shelter in the back garden last week and I'm panic buying tinned food in the supermarkets now :)


Staff member
What’s worrying though is the potential for things to escalate, Russia are a nuclear superpower with a huge military force.


He's already threatened Nuclear strikes to anyone that interferes. Dark days a head of us for sure.


Staff member
Hope you’re wrong, but suspect you’re not…
Still, it’ll take everyone’s mind of Covid pretty quickly if it does go massively tits up.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
What’s worrying though is the potential for things to escalate, Russia are a nuclear superpower with a huge military force.

It's a slight concern but it's never really going to happen in this day and age mate. Loads of political jibber jabber and "chess games" will stop things ever going to the nuclear stage as every Government knows that defcon 1 status by any country means defcon 1 in all other countries too. If the nukes start flying from Russia the rest of the world will start flying their nukes too.
Result? End of the world lol :rolleyes:


In 2014 we, the west installed a government in Ukraine that turned its attentions towards Europe and away from Russia. Talks were held for Ukraine to join NATO, a topic that infuriated Russia because of an agreement made in 1991 that NATO would not expand eastwards. But now look at the states in NATO. We’ve expanded to the Russian borders, and now Putin is making a show of force to distract from the fact his economy is in tatters and he needs “a win”… the win comes at the expense of the “the bread basket” of Europe. A country that just happens to be able to feed 600 million with its resources. Not to mention Uranium, Titanium, Iron, Mercury and Natural Gas… (and natural gas infrastructure). Ukraine is ranked 4th in the world globally for natural riches… he’s wants Ukraine. For obvious reasons...

We could have stopped this back in late 2014 when he annexed Crimea and funded and armed a separatist movement in the Donbas. A proxy war, because remember the west and UN has been doing the same in the counties west… But given the sheer amount of Russian money in the global pool (London itself has over £2bn flowing through it and the likes of Abramovic, being a personal and close friend of Putin, we decided that diplomacy was the only way forward… because the alternative meant full scale war… and Putin knew all along we don't have the stomach for that.

and imo Putin is a seriously dangerous nutter - madder than Mad Jack McMad, winner of last years Madman competition! ;)
funny you should mention ukraine being the breadbasket of europe...remember way back in the cold war years when sec of state kissinger said that the only thing that kept him awake during the bad days of the cold war was the ukraine wheat harvest failing...if the soviets couldnt feed their population...they would just take what they needed elsewhere...mainly western europe lol....and i remember mad jack mcmad very fondly ...didnt they plonk him in a box of mad frogs and the frogs all jumped out cos he was too mad hahaha....

and boris sanctioning 2 penguins in siberia and a walrus and his brother in the urals really hit the russians in their pocket...truely suprised they didnt stop immediately and beg for forgivness