re: new member harmreductionipeds



if you dont mind mate id like to pick your brains straight off the block...dunno if i'm barking up the wrong tree here but does your work/research involve people who have had a negative experience with peds and suchlike both emotionally or physically.
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Staff member
Dont seem to be able to access through portal as it requires an account, and theres no attachment unfortunately.
Other than thread embedded Jpeg's, our user default doesnt enable attachments such as PDF's.
Just fixed that, so could you try attaching the pdf again please Andrew?


i've had a quick read of the intro and highlights of your work and in my opinion it touches on an area i am just not familiar with i'm afriad so am activly looking forward to following your work ...just love a good read

There is a very serious part of me that wishes to appear glib for want of a better word in that i consider any negative issues regarding the use of aas are solely down to bad advice poor research following the heard mentally etc etc

but this could easily be my hubris clouding my judgement and i consider your research which i hope is aiming towards public health and wellbeing to be extremely important

on this site and amongst the members on here, i think you will find many more postivies than negatives though regarding the use of peds as i have once stated that the knowledge base on here is truely phenomenal and more importanlty the members are more than happy to advise, correct and even chastise against any course of action regarding dosages and combination of products that could be detremental to a successfull cycle or the health of said participant

and i just have to mention the elephant in the room of course...

if peds use was not driven so far underground by the authorities and the right wing press than all the information needed for running peds successfully, safely and efficiently would be much more widley available and accessable,,,but what the fuck do i know hahahaha
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
"Semi" interesting topic but some alarm bells have gone off in my head because of the members username so I'm just going to read and not get involved/comment with my personal opinions.

I'm not a fan of drama and b/s as most on here should know by now...
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
and i just have to mention the elephant in the room of course...

What did you mean by that? It has been bugging me all day lol...
Almost any topic is open for discussion on here if it's not personal, abusive, or steroid source related. The mods/admins on here are not the politically correct bunch of morons that usually rule most chat forums so there's no "elephants in the room" that I'm aware of.

What's the subject you think you can't talk about on here? :unsure: