Lyle McDonald cliffs why we get fat



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  • At a fundamental level, fat storage occurs when caloric intake exceeds caloric output. Now, I know that a lot of people claim that basic thermodynamics don’t hold for humans. Simply, they are wrong. Invariably, the studies used to support this position are based on a faulty data set: people under-report food intake
  • Net Change in Fat Stores = Fat Stored – Fat Burned
  • Carbs are rarely converted to fat and stored as such
  • Protein is basically never going to be converted to fat and stored as such
  • When you eat more protein, you burn more protein (and by extension, less carbs and less fat); eat less protein and you burn less protein (and by extension, more carbs and more fat)
  • Ingested dietary fat is primarily stored, eating more of it doesn’t impact on fat oxidation to a significant degree
  • Excess dietary fat is directly stored as fat
  • Excess dietary carbs increases carb oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat
  • Excess dietary protein increases protein oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat
  • When dietary fat is below about 10% of total daily calories, the body ramps up de novo lipogenesis (creation of fat from carbs). So you still get fat.