Is bodybuilding a dying sport ?



Well-known member
Why are so many getting heart issues
It’s not unknown that increased bodyweight high cholesterol blood pressure is a risk factor to one’s heart but blame the steroids

Steroids don’t cause heart attacks they can cause side effects which can be managed pretty simply by using a statin beta blocker blood pressure medication blood thinner

Statin is a life saver it’s used by thousands and helps greatly in fixing your cholesterol level it’s mostly genetic also like everything

Blood pressure medication everyone by mid 40s/50s will be on blood pressure medication so start early and prevent long term issues

Blood clotting another genetic factor one being factor five lieden get on a blood thinning medication that being aspirin or fish oil apixban is a medication many use if they have the blood clotting gene life saving drug.

Beta blocker if you suffer increased heart rate used by thousands after a heart attack and was previously used for anxiety

supplemental fish oil

Do cardio

That’s the basics there’s much more that can be discussed but these mentioned are vital for health and this will save many even the average person living there life.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
It's not dying but it's definitely the era now where everyone is opening their eyes and being sensible with diet and gear.
Education is good for the sport IMO.