
Right chaps...long story short....care in the community neighbour came off his meds before christmas...walked up to me early in the morning..asked if i'd seen his cat..lent into me and stabbed me with a kitchen knife right in the liver

i pulled the knife out, apparently cut his throat and then caved his head in..dont have much recollection of this but is what it is

old bill turned up on mass while i was still pounding away and nicked us both...i got arrested for gbh and copped 24 hour police guard in hospital and they gave me a proper hard time until i refused all meds and discharged myself into their custody and it all got sorted out at the local nick charging suite where i was dearrested and gave my statement

so fast forward 6 months and was told he was being done for section 18 wounding with intent to cause gbh....old bill said he was well overdue and fancied him for a 10 stretch

first day at crown court was yesterday and was sumoned to turf up and state my case...so far so good you think

oh fucking no say the CPS

the cunts have done a back room deal and allowed him to plead guily to a lesser charge of malicious wounding...max 5 years...half off for pleading guilty and with time served hes looking at max 18 months

got told this last night...due to attend court today ffs

now old bill who broke the news said this is a done deal and there is fuck all they or i can do about it...no appeal...no arguments...fuck all

now this can't be right...has anyone had any dealings with the cps or the courts...i'm sure there must be a few cheeky chaps who have.....and does this sound right that i have fuck all say in the matter

the old bill hinted that the damage i did to him and the fact there are no witnesses make the prosecuions job harder than it should be and it only takes a couple of the jury to cast doubt and he walks plus of course the cost of a full jury trial

its just the feeling of powerless thats eating me away and of course the overwhelming feeling that the cps have blown me up to save a few bob

many thanks for all replies of course

Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Complicated legal case mate but justice doesn't exist in the UK and it becomes even more complicated when it involves someone with known mental health/social issues within a community. Any good solicitor could easily plea his case down to almost a misdemeanor but you didn't do yourself any favours by smashing his head in and using extreme violence in retaliation.

I've got no experience with the courts/violence apart from petty crime and a drug charge as a kid but I'd tread carefully with this if I were you mate because a clever solicitor could flip the tables and press charges against you if you've gone OTT and battered someone you knew was mentally vulnerable.

I'm guessing you've had legal representation yourself and you're not defending yourself in court? That would be dumb in a case like this.
Do whatever your solicitor advises and perhaps apply for criminal injuries compensation.

Good luck mate. Nutters and violent criminals don't always get the punishment they deserve over here :mad:


the gist from the old bill was exactly as you say....i wasn't aware of his issues as he was an unknown to me but the cps have stated in the past to me that ignorance is no defence....when i turfed up to court in march to hear his bail application the cps literally threw me out and told me to fuck off before the judge asks why i was there....when i told him to was to make sure if he was released on bail at least i woulld be aware and prepare but he was having none of it and told me in no untertain terms to fuck off before i prejudiced anything....even though i thought it was my right to sit in the public gallery...it was not

old bill dropped the charges against me in the custody suite after i discharged myself from hospital but i'm hearing you and might just have to take this on the chin and consider all things being equal and let it go

cunt nearly did for me though and hes gonna do 18 months tops with no chance for me to explain or have my day in court....not cool


also..as an aside...they have robbed me of finding out exactly what i was dealing with...he;s been terrorizing the neighbourhood for ages and complaints have fell on deaf ears....he was moved onto the patch all hush hush and old bill would only confirm that he was known to them..to top it all reporting restrictions have been placed on the case...now i told old bill i know exactly what that means cos i was pre press support and worked alongside the journos and editors for the daily mail, mail on sunday and evening standard for years before i moved into investmant banking..for my sins...and old bill were not happy at all that i knew about shit like that...all i was told was that it will come out in the court case...now that chance appears to have passed....and to top it all he's on remand in a hmp and not been sectioned....bloody stinks but now i'll never know whats what and that really sucks
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
cunt nearly did for me though and hes gonna do 18 months tops with no chance for me to explain or have my day in court....not cool

They've seen all the reports and info they need from the Police and his solicitor mate and it looks like he's already guilty as charged so they haven't got much need for you to be in the dock pleading that the guy gets a tougher sentence. The law is the law and the judges decision is final but I can see why you're pissed off :rolleyes:

If someone stabbed me in the stomach deep enough to puncture an internal organ I'd want that fucker charged with attempted murder !


You sound loaded mate.
Discreet player for hire here if you want vigilante retribution and no questions or comebacks on you..
20k LOL :)
hahaha top bloke and i expect no less on here lol...fraid not...fate proper bent me over and pulled down my pants..was doing very well not gonna lie but it all get seriously fucked up...one day top boy next proper fucked literally.....was only 38 big house 4 kids nice motor so far so good and was contracting at deutsche bank...working every hour god sent but caning it but literally the arse fell out of my arse overnight....got the cancer...no sickness insurance and lost my security clearance and positive vetting overnight....life time ban...not personal...just the rules...chemo aggravated an existing spinal issue and that was me proper fucked...missus fucked off with the kids and married a good mate of mine and i took my crippled arse off to exile and settled far far away....turned out ok though pulled a local lass whos a nurse to boot...not as soft as i look lol...and got a second crack of the whip...consider myself lucky to tell the truth all things being equal...not just a big fan of the local cuttlery salesman if you know what i mean...repeat customers dickhead lol...


They've seen all the reports and info they need from the Police and his solicitor mate and it looks like he's already guilty as charged so they haven't got much need for you to be in the dock pleading that the guy gets a tougher sentence. The law is the law and the judges decision is final but I can see why you're pissed off :rolleyes:

If someone stabbed me in the stomach deep enough to puncture an internal organ I'd want that fucker charged with attempted murder !
agreed...is what it is and thats that...cps been in touch today with a lovely letter telling me his psych report made it impossible to secure a section 18 conviction....in the hands of the judge now and its possible he'll be sectioned but just depends on the judge on the day and nobody can tell how its gonna play out until the day hes standing tall in front of the man....kopped a grade 2 lasseration to the liver and lost 2 inches of f it but the trauma surgeon said i was lucky and the liver will regenerate in time....just proper fucked me going crunches for a while...and i'll tellthe the truth chaps its bloody amazing how a smashed up core affects any lifts your trying to do....bloody murders getting back into the swing of things....think i may have to rethink my training regime to put it mildly hahaha

always a pleasure chaps....many thanks and regards