Blast from the past for some members here (GMJ)

  • Thread starter Functional Fitness
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Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
2 of the old forum logos.
The good old days :)

Great man john logo 7F0B754AFD seeklogocomGreat Man John logo FA59EF3BDB seeklogocom


Staff member
Yea, the GMJ board was a superb forum, with a lot of great members
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Yea, the GMJ board was a superb forum, with a lot of great members

Overall that was just a great period in my life.
Late 20s/early 30s, career, fun girlfriend and loads of mates, learning about gear and growing, and nothing but positive thoughts in my head about the future. Never imagined I'd end up being as jaded as I am now and living in such a shitty fucked up world that I hate.:(
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Life is as you make it bud not everyone ends up rich and famous we can all look back and wish but live for now not the past or future

That's good advice mate and I know you're right but I just can't shake off the doom and gloom these days. I'd honestly be happy if I went to bed one night and never woke up again. So fed up with the world and my life being such a mess. It's just problem after problem after problem.


Well-known member
That's good advice mate and I know you're right but I just can't shake off the doom and gloom these days. I'd honestly be happy if I went to bed one night and never woke up again. So fed up with the world and my life being such a mess. It's just problem after problem after problem.
Mate I feel the same I’d say we can chat but today I was aggressive depressed could just burst out crying fed up with life too