A ball-ache...... or is it just me?



Sometimes when training I get what can only be described as.... well, a ball ache. Like a nut strain or something.
Anyone else get that or am I just odd? 😅


New member
Used to get this back in the day when using orals.. rohm’s xxx if i remember correctly id be mid set and my balls would get a dull ache thought it was just me though lol


Well-known member
Had these not gym related but it fucking hurts just a simple brush up on the leg or touching it always only one ball too


Sometimes when training I get what can only be described as.... well, a ball ache. Like a nut strain or something.
Anyone else get that or am I just odd? 😅
Had these not gym related but it fucking hurts just a simple brush up on the leg or touching it always only one ball too
At least I'm not alone 😂 certainly an....... uncomfortable situation. And yeah only ever the right nut 😅
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
You're just odd or you've got a partial hernia lol :)


Staff member
Sometimes when training I get what can only be described as.... well, a ball ache. Like a nut strain or something.
Anyone else get that or am I just odd? 😅
Could you be describing the general ache of testicular atrophy that we get if not using HCG on cycle?
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Hernia would not usually make your balls ache. I have 2

I have to disagree mate.
You can live with hernias quite easily if you don't apply pressure or stress to the area you're getting pain from but in the context of the OP in this thread who is only getting pain when he lifts it's more than likely to be a hernia/muscle/tissue issue than "little bollocks" syndrome from atrophied testicles.

My balls are always small tbh but the pain from that is usually nothing more than a dull constant ache and lifting or not lifting doesn't change the feeling.

I'm not a doctor or medical professional so anything I say is just personal opinion.